The world of Rust is scattered with the enigmatic figures known as "scientists." They appear to be protecting installations, gathering data, doing experiments, and may have other, darker intentions...
The scientist stands at 4.4 inches, covered head to toe in a dark blue hazmat suit. Attached to the suit is a mask that helps clear oxygen as well as a black harness with an orange-ish colored canister on his back. Printed on his right thigh is "COBALT HZS-20" in a white font. On his left arm is a yellow biohazard sign. With both of his hands he is holding a black gun that match his black shoes. The exterior of his double-walled packaging shows a scenery of the woods during the night, with a big campfire in the center. The interior is a pattern of a biohazard sign. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
(32pcs per case)